Principal Investigator
- Kelly B. Miller, Ph.D.
- Embioptera Systematics
- Cucujoidea (Coleoptera) Systematics
- Hydradephaga (Coleoptera) systematics
- Dytiscidae (Coleoptera) Sexual Selection & Behavior
- Oedipodinae (Orthoptera: Acrididae) Systematics
- Aquatic Insects of Venezuela
MSB Division of Arthropods Collection Manager
Graduate Students
- Esther Burton, Pollinator Biology, masters student
- Simon Doneski, Insect Conservation, Ph.D. student
- Adalberto Ubinas, Bark Beetle Systematics and Evolution
- Aurelia Valente, Arthropod Personality and Individual Variation
Postodoctoral Lab Alumni
Graduate Student Lab Alumni
- Bethany Abrahamson, M.S., museum studies
- Rafael Braga, visiting Ph.D. student, Dytiscidae systematics
- Joshua Burke, Spider Evolution, Ph.D. student
- Emma Cleary
Lauren M. Cleavall, M.S., mating systems in diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)
- Grey Gustafson, Ph.D., Gyrinidae systematics
- Traci L. Grzymala, M.S., Cerambycidae systematics (Coleoptera)
- Heidi Hopkins, Ph.D., Blattodea systematics and behavior
- Matthew Leister, M.S. student, spider systematics
- Nathan P. Lord, Ph.D., Zopheridae and Bothrideridae systematics (Coleoptera)
- Rachael Mallis, Ph.D., spider systematics
- Mike Medrano, Ph.D., millipede systematics (Diplopoda)
- Karen Wright, Ph.D., bee systematics and evolution of pollination
Undergraduate Student Lab Alumni
- Stephen Baca
- Emma Louise Cleary
- Larisa Crippen y Chavez, MARC student, diving beetle systematics and evolution
- Sophia Deichmann
- Sergio Douglas
- Eoghan Doyle, Odonata
- William (Billy) Edelman, IMSD student, grasshopper systematics (Orthoptera)
- Erin Fenton
- Zachary Fry
- R. Antonio Gomez, MARC student, grasshopper systematics (Orthoptera)
- Catherine Geisik
- Alicia M. Hodson, Embioptera systematics (web spinners)
- Emily P. Hodson
- Jeremiah Houghton
- Nicholas Homziak, Lepidoptera
- April Jean, systematics of diving beetles (Coleoptera: Dytiscidae)
- Sarah Jogi
- Katie Klonis
- Martha Lara, click beetles (Elateridae)
- Matthew Leister, spider systematics
- Shelley MacNeil, curatorial assistant, whirligig beetle molecular work
- Elizabeth Montano
- Vyvian Phan
- Aaron Prairie
- Caroline Rempe
- Desiree Sanchez, Bidessini phylogenetics
- Kayla Sayre
- Emily Schmeltzer
- Amber Schwettmann, curatorial assistant
- Jaclyn Serru
- Jessica Smith
- Eli Stewart
- Nicole D. Telles, MARC student, Dytiscidae systematics (Coleoptera)
- Hans Weeks
- Kimberly Wong
- Rebecca Zalar
MSB Division of Arthropods Volunteers
Miller Laboratory of Insect Systematics
Biology Department Graduation 2013 (l-r) Kelly Miller, Gino Nearns, Emily Schmeltzer, Stephen Baca, Nicolas Homziak
Biology Department Graduation 2010 (l-r) Kelly Miller, Dr. Nelson, Billy Edelman
Biology Department Graduation 2009 (l-r) Emily Hodson, Lauren Cleavell, Billy Edelman, Alicia Hodson, Kelly Miller
Nathan Lord and chameleon, Madagascar (2008)
(l-r) Gino Nearns, Alicia Hodson, & Kelly Miller
Nsobe Game Camp, Zambia (2007) |